The joy and splendor of travel lost on one man

Catarata Waterfall Hike, Monteverde.

A few photos for you.

These are from a hike to Catarata Waterfall. The waterfall is about ten minutes from our place. Honestly, the hike is the Costa Rican equivalent of hiking to Cascade Falls in Ouray. (If you haven’t seen Cascade Falls, get a plane ticket and get on it!) It’s about a “3” on a scale of one to ten.

It took only 45 minutes to get to the actual waterfall. We stopped often, the reason being that Rae cannot pass up a chance to watch army ants carrying leaves across the jungle floor. We passed about 20 different colonies loping along with bits of foliage in their mouths.

I have to admit it’s strangely fascinating to watch. I shot video of them, but it loses something in translation. The video just looks like tiny leaf chunks walking around the ground. It would make for better video if the ants shot flames out of the eyeballs. I’m working on that.

Anyway, for your viewing pleasure:


10 Responses to “Catarata Waterfall Hike, Monteverde.”

  1. chris

    it is very nice and if it is a cascade falls hike then I could of done that. How nice to know that not everything you hike to will be difficult…I miss you all and hope that each day is eventful how is the spanish going…give rae adn pam a kiss

  2. Nick

    “Why, back in my day we used to have to run seventeen miles just to get to the johnny house! And there wasn’t any fancy graffiti on the walls to entertain us! We had to memorize 20th century chick poetry instead!”

  3. Ray

    The hike to Cascade Falls? You mean the cakewalk, don’t you? We occasionally used to run that sonofbitch for cross-country practice. Start at the Uncompahgre and don’t stop until you get to the top. Coming back down — oh I must have been about fourteen — I once took a bad spill on some those ankle-breakers. Cried like a baby, I admit it.

  4. Nick

    I actually thought of you last week when it was still fairly rainy here.

    There were rainbows all over the place. Rainbows over the grocery store, rainbows over our apartment, rainbows over Rae’s school. It was comical.

  5. Catherine

    I’m struck by how much these photos–from a distance, at least–look like Hawaii. (Of course, this is probably just because I’ve hardly ever traveled anywhere.) Up close, I can see that the foliage is really different. Looks as if you guys are having a great time.

  6. Nick

    “Reading for the first time?!”

    I’m sorry. Your room has been rented out.

    See you in New Jersey for the 97th Annual Deadly Toxin Festival.

  7. Beth

    Hi Nick – I’m just reading the blog for the first time. I actually forgot about it, because I’ve been corresponding with pam via e-mail. As usual, you had me chuckling. We can’t wait to visit, but if I keep reading your blog, we might be forced to re-think the trip. Just kidding, we’ll be there on the 18th. Keep up the good work – I will now be a regular reader.


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