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A Brief Plug for Two Friends.

I’m briefly interrupting my riveting travelogue to mention two friends who have Big Things in the works.

The first is Mat Johnson. Mat and I met years six years ago when he was teaching at Bard and Pam and I were living the area while she underwent chemo in NYC.

Not only is Mat a good friend and overall outstanding human being, he’s also a talented author. His latest book, Pym, is getting rave reviews from NPR’s “Fresh Air,” the “New York Times Sunday Book Review,” “Time Out Chicago” (Frank, are you still out there?) and countless other major outlets.

Grab your copy today.

If you do, Mat might cheer up before his next author’s photo.

Don't make Mat reach through your computer and slap you.

The second friend is Doug Heye. Doug and I have known each other since we were in grade school. This Friday, he is appearing on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher.” He will play the role of “Conservative Villain.”

Even though Doug is a heartless Republican who sweetens his coffee with the blood of newborn kittens, he’s always good for a laugh. I wish him well this Friday. He’s walking straight into the lion’s den.

And here’s the “Official Doug Heye Television Appearance Fundraiser Game:” make a contribution to every time Doug references “The A-Team,” the New York Yankees, “Smokey and the Bandit” or Frank Sinatra.

He’ll either have to not speak for the entire show or single-handedly put the Democrats in office for another term.

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